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Pianist Matej Jovanovic

On June 6th, 2024 an amazing piano concert took place in the prestigious Bösendorfer Salon in Vienna. The pianist Matej Jovanovic, featured by PianoWorldWide Inc., performed on a wonderful Bösendorfer piano at the Salon with his enormous technical and musical energy, offering an exciting and diverse music program.

Due to his technical and musical finesse, Matej’s performance once again offered a unique experience for the audience. A big thank you to the great team at Bösendorfer Salon who made this wonderful concert experience possible.

Concert at Bösendorfer Salon

Piano concert

Pianist Matej Jovanovic

Contact Info

Tealartis e.U.


Concert at Bösendorfer Salon

Fabulous concert on June 06, 2024 at Bösendorfer Salon in Vienna with pianist Matej Jovanovic, featured by PianoWorldWide Inc.


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